What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

After finding out that SERVPRO of Southern Scioto & Lawrence Counties did carpet cleaning I decided to let them clean my newly purchased house.  Boy I was amazed at the job their crew did.  I have had other companies clean carpet before but never again.  I will use them again and suggest others do the same.

After trying ourselves, having OxiClean, Stanley Steamer, and another company try to clean our carpets we are so happy we had SERVPRO of Scioto and Lawrence Counties come and clean them.  They put the rest to shame!!!  Great job!!!

Thanks for all your help. Your SERVPRO guys took the things from the house last night and this morning the city got the rest. We are very grateful!!!!

Our shelter simply needed a facelift and your process of power washing our building was the answer. We are completely satisfied - Job Well Done! Thank You!

WOW Unbelievable service! I was approached by an employee handing out educational information on mold, water, and fire damage. They returned every other week, I was so impressed with their consistency I tried them and they came the same day to clean my business' ducts. I was so happy I had them come and clean my entire house both carpets and ducts. Not to mention if something does happen guess who I will call first, SERVPRO of So Scioto & Lawrence Counties.